
A geotextile is defined as any permeable textile material that is used with foundation, soil, rock, earth, etc to increase stability and decrease wind and water erosion. A geotextile may be made of synthetic or natural fibres. A geotextile is designed to be permeable to allow the flow of fluids through it or in it,

Geotextiles can be woven, knitted or non-woven. Different fabric composition and construction are suitable for different applications. These geotextiles provide planar water flow in addition to stabilization of soil. Typical applications include access roads, aggregate drains and erosion control.

Geotextiles and related products have many applications and currently support many civil engineering applications including roads, airfields, railroads, embankments, retaining structures, reservoirs, canals, dams, bank protection, coastal engineering and construction site silt fences or geotube. Usually geotextiles are placed at the tension surface to strengthen the soil.


Applications where Geo Textile can be used

  • Temporary Erosion Control
  • Permanent Erosion Control
  • Drainage
  • Roadway Separation
  • Roadway
  • Liner Protection
  • Gas Venting
  • Landfill Drainage Systems
  • Steepened Slopes
  • Retaining Walls
  • Embankments Over Soft Soil
  • Lagoon Closures


Erosion Control Solutions for Beaches and Coastlines

  • Beach Using textile to prevent sand a lighter soil helps to survive as it is home for many living things
  • Coastal to control erosion a strong geotextile is required which holds four sides moving soil.
  • Riverbank -Erosion on the riverbank could prevented by using geo textile specially strong woven fabric.
  • Soil –Each area or soil will have its own unique properties that help determine the type of geotextile used.
  • Wind Erosion:Woven— The use of a woven geotextile will allow for wind and water to pass through, but will protect the sediment.


Benefits of Geotextile Fabrics

  • Serves as a barrier and filtration
  • Stabilization of soil
  • Consistent
  • Cost-effective
  • Longevity of structure
